Social Media Ads

Reach millions of RIGHT customers at the click of the mouse.
As of January 2022, there are over 4.62 billion social media users across the globe which is around 60% of the total human population. Studies evidence for that fact that the world spends more than 10 billion hours on social media platforms each day. This is anticipated to increase further and no wonder that companies are in a constant competition to capture user’s attention and their online time. Investing in social media marketing is a direct and straight-forward method for companies to reach millions of customers at a stretch.
It has to be noted that six social media platforms have more than 1 billion active monthly users each making it mandatory for businesses to design an integrated social media marketing strategy.

Users base their purchase decision based on the credibility, popularity and authenticity of a brand on social media.Social media marketing is more than posting updates and engaging people. It is more about monitoring conversations, customer reviews, identifying the social media time and frequency of the target user, responding to user queries on time, spam monitoring, etc.
Scale your business with Social media marketing at Adroit
At Adroit, we consider social media more than just a business. We perceive that your entire digital marketing campaigns have the biggest contribution from social media. It is not just like any other channel. We create solutions for your business, develop, and grow communities of your own brand and business. With the team of experts, we offer an experienced and social media buffs who can produce quantifiable results and find the interest group of our own.
Social media marketing: Do you want to make your business go viral? Usually, you need to make it happen. With our interactive and brainstorming session, we come with unique content ideas, strategies for every platform.
Social media ads: One of the great ways to reach the target audience is to find them. From your Facebook ads to LinkedIn ads, our team will help you guide through the right audience in the right place. Choose an Adroit Digital Marketing agency to take the complete presence of your online. Sure! We can meet you once again in the spotlight.
➣ Social profile creation  - Build social media pages on different social media platforms
➣ Creatives development -
Infographics, images, videos, reels, copy, and so on
➣ Social media optimiz -
Optimizing the business page to rank higher
➣ Social media calendar -
Devise a plan that best positions the business
➣ Conversation monitoring  - 
Tracking brand mentions and responding accordingly.
➣ Key metrics and analytics - 
Tracking, analyzing and reporting key performance metrics
➣ Responding to customers  -
Managing customer queries and generating a relevant response
➣ Industry and keyword research -
To target the right set of customers with relevant ads & updates
➣ Campaign management -
Creating right ads and campaigns and managing their execution
➣ Spam Monitoring -
Removing and reporting abusive comments

We are
experts in

Facebook Ads
Instagram Ads
Youtube Ads
Snapchat Ads
Tik-Tok Ads
Twitter Ads
Linkedin Ads
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